Maggie Siner All the Color in White
Workshop Supply List

Studio Supplies:

palette (wood or glass, minimum 12x16 inches)

palette knife

palette cup for medium

assorted white bristle brushes  (sizes 4, 8, 10, 12, 18, etc.)

cotton rags (such as old T shirts) 

drawing board clips

masking tape

small sketchpad, charcoal, pencil


Cadmium Yellow Light

Cadmium Red Light

Alizarin Crimson

Ultramarine Blue

Cerulean Blue Hue (or Viridian)

Raw Umber

Titanium, Mixed, or Flake White (large tube)

Burnt Sienna

Ivory Black

Medium:  prepared medium of your choice, or linseed oil

Solvent: Odor-free Turpenoid (Gamsol)

Brush washer or large jar with screen insert and top. 

Airtight container for transporting used solvent

Painting Surfaces:

2-4 primed canvases, any size 16 x 20  to 24 x 30

4-6 additional smaller painting surfaces such as unmounted canvas pieces, cardboard, masonite panels, watercolor paper or heavy drawing paper

Still-life Materials: 

Please bring 2 WHITE objects, each a single unified color with matte finish (not shiny), not necessarily an interesting object in itself but rather an interesting shape. Please don’t bring anything valuable. 

Please "Like" our Facebook page for easy updates of classes and workshops. 

If a workshop that you are interested says “Sold Out”,  Please fill out registration form and you will be placed on the waiting list or you may email jeanie at to be added to a list. A deposit is not needed to be placed on the waiting list, only when a spot comes available.